Our publications.

With this report, the Committee helps us monitor our improvement processes in relation to the indicators identified to reach our statutory objectives.

Being a mission-led company implies an assessment by an Independent Third Party Organization (TPO) accredited by COFRAC in accordance with the ISO 17 029 standards. The TPO is responsible for checking that the mission and statutory objectives are being properly carried out. It then issues an external opinion. This audit must be carried out every 2 years for companies with more than 50 employees. Colisée has chosen to do so annually.

Colisée quantifies the emissions linked to its activity through its carbon footprint, broken down by country of operation. Colisée implements an action plan to reduce the impact of its activities.

Colisée is convinced that we can continuously improve by listening to our entire ecosystem – internal and external.
Between April and June 2024, we carried out a stakeholders’ dialogue built around impact, on environmental, social/societal and governance (ESG) topics.
The discussions we have and the feedback we receive give us a better understanding of the viewpoint and expectations of both our stakeholders and society as a whole.

Through this Vigilance Plan, Colisée reports on the measures implemented to identify risks and prevent violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms, as well as personal health and safety, and the environment.

Colisée is committed to making its entire sphere of influence
responsible, by involving its subsidiaries and partners. Colisée has formalised
its commitments and expectations of its suppliers in a Responsible Purchasing
Charter. There is also a version for each subsidiary.